College Avenue UMC is grateful that we can be a good neighbor to our Valley by providing space for AA/NA groups:
Mondays at 7 PM:
AA group As Bill Sees in the lower level-Fellowship Hall
AA group Sisters of Sobriety (all women’s group) AA group in the lower level- Large Dining Room
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.
Tuesdays at 7 PM:
AA group Beaver Men’s Discussion Group in the lower level-Fellowship Hall
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.
Wednesdays at 2 PM:
NA group Easy Does in the lower level- Fellowship Hall
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.
Wednesdays at 6:30 PM:
AA group Beaver Beginners in the lower level-Fellowship Hall
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.
Thursdays at 10:30 AM:
AA group Keep It Simple in the lower level-Large Dining Room
Enter through the College Ave wooden door.
Fridays at 7 PM:
AA group BC Friday Nite Group in the lower level- Fellowship Hall
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.
Saturdays at 10:30 PM:
Candlelight Recovery NA group in the lower level-Fellowship Hall
Enter through the College Ave wooden doors.